balcony decks - inspection

Why it pays to Have Balconies and Decks Inspected

Balcony decks can be the highlight of a home, which is why it’s very important to make sure that they are safe, secure and sturdy enough to be enjoyed for the years to come. And with the passing of Senate Bill 721 in California last year, deck inspections are now more important than ever.


Here’s why:


These exterior elements are constantly exposed to the elements

Balcony decks take a lot of beating—from snow loads to the weight of people on it—and it causes them to undergo wear and tear more quickly than most other parts of the house. With an inspection, any faults or damages can be addressed right away before they get worse.



Safe balconies and decks mean fewer expenses

Although it’s easy to think that an inspection is only added expense, it actually helps you save money in the long run. By making sure that your balcony decks are safe for use, you will not have to spend on frequent repairs or replacements and you can also avoid devastating accidents that can injure or even kill people.



Having your deck or balcony checked for safety is, without a doubt, a great investment because it can bring you more benefits than you can ever imagine.




Deck Inspectors for Southern California is happy to offer our services in Los Angeles, Orange County as well as San Diego and all Southern California surrounding areas like Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Santa Monica, Anaheim, Temecula, Vista, Escondido, Carlsbad, and El Cajon